Good October Day To You All! I really dont know what day today is, but what I do know is that we are only a couple of days from actually starting to work on the roof on Manuel's house...and that is quite SOMETHING! We are just days away from finishing, from being able to give my friend Manuel and his wife Rosaura a warm and safe home and that's exciting! Maestro Moises, Abel, Roger, Andy and Mark are working extra hard these days and racing against time to finish....I am fighting a minor issue with the municipality's people and trying to organize fund raising events in Chincha and Cusco to raise the money I need to finish the house and pay off the people I work never ends but it feel great to know that every effort one makes will contribute to another's health and well being.....
The house...just a few more rows of adobes and we'll be ready to put the roof on
La casa...unos adobes mas y ya la viga colar se pondra y luego el techo
Manuel, Roger, Christa y Rosaura
Sun sets in Chincha
Mark and Maestro working on a window
Abe y yo....Gracias abe...te quiero mucho!
Maestro lying adobes
EL Pasaje
THE Passage
oh boy oh boy...the stories I could tell about this little alley
Roger laying adobes and making a wall
Mark carrying the very heavy 40 x40 adobes closer to el Maestro
Mark cargando los super pesados adobes mas cerca al maestro
Maestro Moises subiendo la pared
Maestro working on a wall
Manuel supervisando la obra y hablando con el maestro
Manuel viendo la construccion de su casita hablando con el Maestro
Manuel and Rosaura in better spirits because they know their home will be ready soon!
Manuel y Rosaura esperando su casita
Abe poniendo adobes sobre mocheta
Roger trying to do the Abel hand stand thing
Roger tratando de pararse de manos como Abe
Los muchahos trabajando duro
The guys working hard
Mark cargando barro
Mark taking mud where it is needed
Solid foundations
cimiento solido
1 comentario:
Mayten!!! Espero te acuerdes de mi. Soy Nora. Nos conocimos en Atacames y despues te quedaste en mi casa con Lauren.
Bueno, te conte en esos dias que queria ayudarte (y a los ninos) con el proyecto. Pues, me voy a graduar en Diciembre y no me he olvidado de lo que te prometi. Todavia me encantaria venir y ayudar con cualquier cosa que pueda. Te escribo para ver si todava se necesita ayuda.
Creo que todavia tienes mi me perdio el tuyo...woops. Mandame un email, cuando puedas.
Mucho amor
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