miércoles, 17 de marzo de 2010

Chincha and the WORLD! !Chincha y el MUNDO! SI PODEMOS!

Dear friends, since returning to Chincha two weeks ago, we have been very busy trying to get our chincha workshops going, reconnecting with our shelter girls, working with a great crew of artists from DreamTime Circus from San Francisco, trying to raise funds via email to hopefully buy materials so that people in Huacarpay can use as floors for their modules once they move to the temporary relocation site of Tongobamba, asking friends to donate school supplies and uniforms to people in Huacarpay and Taray,  and trying to organize a fund raising event in the states to try and open a transitioning home for our shelter girls who reach legal age and have nowhere to go.....
yup...all of that and more but we feel great about doing all of it....Andy and I are beyond exhausted but truly believe what we are doing now is quite important....and though tired we are proud and happy
Queridos amigos despues de nuestro regreso a Chincha hace 2 semanas tras ausentarnos un mes que dedicamos integramente a ayudar en lo que podiamos al pueblo de Huacarpay en Cusco, hoy, seguimos trabajando como locos...Desde que llegamos estamos corriendo de aqui para alla tratando de ofrecer nuestros talleres a los chicos del barrio, reconectar tambien con nuestras muchachas de los 2 albergues con los que trabajamos, organizar junto a un maravilloso grupo de artistas circenses (Dreamtime Circus) que invitamos a nuestra casa un espectaculo circense gratuito para la comunidad y los albergues, conseguir fondos para poder comprar materiales que puedan servir como piso para nuestros amigos de Huacarpay que pronte se reubicaran temporalmente en modulos a Tomgobamba, entre 100 cosas mas.....Como ven estamos super cargados de trabjo pero felices y orgullosos de todo lo logrado y creado hsta ahora este 2010....
Introducing the DreamTime Circus crew to my kids and vice versa...presentando a mis ninos a los chicos de DreamTime Circus.....
Aqui en Chincha por el momento, los muchachos de SF estan ensayando bastante para poder presentar un buen show a la gente de las comunidades alrededor....y tambien estan ofreciendo talleres cada vez que pueden a mis ninos que estan super entusiasmados con tanto arte y tanto circo....definitivamente mi comunidad se ha llenado de color, diversion y risa estas dos ultimas semanas........Presently, the Dream Time Circus crew has been hard at work putting together a good show for the people of Chincha.....they are also offering workshops to my kids when they can and are making time to meet, interact and entertain my beautiful girls at the shelters.....thanks guys! My community certainly has been experiencing color, fun and laughter these past 2 weeks.....
Yo y mis chicos riendo y disfrutandonos como siempre! My kids and I enjoying as usual..
xio disfrutando el mar...Libre!

Por otra parte, hemos estado coordinando con nuestras generosas amigas Maria Moore y Patricia Tejada y ambas nos estan ayudando a llevar utiles, chompitas y material didactico a nuestros amigos de Huacarpay y Taray. On the other hand, I have asked friends of mine (Ann Marie Moore and Paty Tejada ) for help getting Huacarpay and Taray some school supplies , uniforms, etc and they have generously taken this week supplies and uniforms to Huacarpay and Taray and hope to help as much as they can...thank you ladies!!!
Alex ensenhando acrobacia en la playa a Jose
Nina y Paloma conociendose en el mar....Nina & Paloma getting to know one another...
Diego y Alexis disfrutando la playa...Diego & Alexis enjoying the beach March 2010
Sofia taking a break from picture taking to play with Paloma...Sofia jugando con Paloma
Alex, Jose, Diego & June making figures and digging tunnels in the sand....jugando con la arenita
Briana, Chris and my kids picking a beach soccer match...Chris, Briana y los ninos en un partidito
Camino al mar en Combi...on our way to the beach on a peruvian van.....
Savannah, Chris & Tom llenando globos con arena para practicar malabares...Circus guys preparing juggling balls
Mumu y Xio tomando fotos..Mumu & xio taking a picture
Alex showing Yerson how to move the Diabolo...Alez mostrando a Yerson como usar el diabolo
Xio & Paloma disfrutando el mar...girls enjoying the beach
Mientras tanto, aqui en Chincha diariamente estamos dando talleres creativo-educativos y aprovechando y disfrutando la presencia de Dream Time Circus y todo su arte y color.....Lo ninos estan entusiasmadisimos ya que este viernes 19 de marzo es el GRAN SHOW y mis ninos podran y seran parte del show.......The kids and I are super excited this week because in just 2 DAYS our dreamTime Circus friends will put on a show I am sure we will treasure for years to come.....and since my kids have been learning a few things from our circus friends they have been invited to be part of the show.....yeyyyyy!
my Jechi & I playing with mimi's sword...Jessi y yo jugando con la espada de Mimi
Mojando a mis chicos...it is way too hot in Chincha so we had a carnaval in March...
Girls preparing for their visit to Camino A La Solidaridad Shelter
Muchachas preparandose para su visita a nuestro primer albergue
Antes de entrar a Camino A La Solidaridad...arriving at first shelter
Mimi & Calypso at the shelter...Mimi y Calypso en el albergue
Yo saludando a las chicas del albergue despues de extranarnos mucho...me, embracing my shelter girls ...
Abrazando a Maritza...holding beautiful Maritza
Karen y Gil viendose lindas...Karen & Gil looking beautiful
Circus guys getting to know CAS girls...artistas y voluntarios conociendo a las chicas del albergue
Disfrutando el atardecer en el espacio sanador...enjoying sunset at our healing place
Mu mu y chicas lindas del albergue
Savannah with shelter girls...savannah compartiendo con las chicas...
Crystal compartiendo con Marisol, Nancy y Sul...Crystal posing with CAS girls...
Closing our visit to Camino A La Solidaridad Shelter....terminando nuestra visita a Camino A La Solidaridad

Aqui les dejo unas fotos de nuestros dias estas dos ultimas semanas....here are some pictures of our last days....disfruten.....Enjoy....
Hasta la proxima vez amigos mios...until next time friends! Adventure and excitement are in the air and spirits here in Chincha......

2 comentarios:

Zélia dijo...


I am so happy for you...

Mayten dijo...

zzzzzz...where are u? please email me at lacasademayten@gmail.com....I miss you Z....you are still very important to me and I love you as always...as much as in the days we spent at BC listening to jewel, shooting BS c- documentaries for my video production class...jajaja
I hope you are happy and loved my beautiful Z...please reconnect...M