Dear friends, we are SOOO excited about our ARLINGTON, VA fund raising event to be held this SATURDAY, JANUARY 22 from 6:30pm to 9:30pm at George Mason University's Institute for Conflict Analysis and Resolution (ICAR). Everything is coming together and we could not be more grateful to Jacquie from ICAR for all her help with the venue, and to our friend Lauren for giving her time and energy to help me make this event possible. Andy and I are in Virginia now staying with Lauren and her generous roommates who are all sharing their space with us...Thank you ladies!!
Our goals with these events are to raise the funds we need to meet our 2011 goals, let universities, organizations, and programs know about our work in Chincha, and develop lasting connections and partnerships with institutions that share our vision and goals.
Please friends, if you are in the Washington/ Virginia/Maryland areas or have friends in those areas invite them to attend our event which will be filled with Peruvian food, music, dance, culture, spirit and much more! Come have FUN and help us continue helping wonderful people in Chincha, Peru! COME ALL!!!
Queridos amigos, estamos muy muy emocionados por que nuestro primer evento recauda fondos en Arlington, Virginia se llevara a cabo este SABADO, ENERO 22 de 6:00pm a 9:30pm! La universidad George Mason y su Instituto para Analisis y Resolucion de Conflicto se han unido a nuestro esfuerzo y precisamente sera ahi, donde realizaremos nuestro primer evento recauda fondos. Esperamos que nuestros amigos de Virginia, Washington, y Maryland decidan pasar un trozo de su sabado con nosotros ya que nuestra noche ofrecera una deliciosa cena peruana, musica y danzas peruanas, la posibilidad de comprar hermosas prendas y piezas traidas desde Peru a traves de una subasta, y rifa, y la oportunidad de contribuir a la salud y bienestar de maravillosos seres humanos en Chincha, Peru quienes merecen todo nuestro trabajo y esfuerzo! Vengan y diviertanse con nosotros!
Look for upcoming information about our New Jersey event on Saturday, February 5th, and our San Francisco event and After Party on Saturday, February 12th!!!!!
Tejiendo seres, comunidades, realidades, sueños, ideas, y esfuerzos para crear y construir juntos posibilidades que den vida a un mundo integralmente sano para todos! Weaving people, communities, realities, dreams, ideas and efforts to create together possibilities that help birth a wholesome and healthy world for all!
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