1st Karate Class with Alberto
We have tons to share but unfortunately we no longer have a working computer at home so my entry will be shorter this time....sorry guys! I really hope though that each of you reading and seeing these pictures can sense all the love, life, learning, friendship and fun impregnated in these images. Enjoy with us and know that meaningful friendships are not only possible but incredibly enriching. Until next time friends!
During our chess workshops...taller de ajedrez!
Queridos amigos, tenemos mucho por compartir pero ya no contamos con una computadora en la casa asi que esta entrada sera breve pero espero aun asi puedan percivir todo lo maravilloso empapado en cada momento aqui capturado.....y sigan visitandonos que partes 2 y 3 ya vienen en camino!!! Hasta prontito!
We finally finished painting our giant recycled chess pieces!
Arts and Crafts workshops...repairing our beheaded puppets....arreglando nuestros titeres que perdieron las cabezas en una de las varias inundaciones que ha sufrido nuestra casita...pero ya estan bien! :)
Erickson bringing Plutonio back to life! Reviviendo a Plutonio!
Chicos recibiendo sus cinturones blancos de su profesor Alberto!
Sunday retreat/ swimming lesson with group 3! Retiro/ natacion con grupo numero 3!Marquito y Erick disfrutando su dia en la piscina!
Kids enjoying their day at the `pool!
Kids learning how to swim! Ton being a shark after laerning how to swim! Ton ya nadando!
Competencia de natacion entre Ton, Marquito, y Erickson!
Chicos dando de comer a pecesitos!Kids feeding lots of fish!
Friends proud of themselves...all four were able to swim by the end of the day!
Having a lot of fun...this was an amazing day - gift to me and the kids! Este fue un dia regalo...hermoso y pleno!Kids dancing away....chicos bailando sin una preocupacion en el mundo!
No longer afraid of the water! Chicos disfrutando el agua y el estar juntos!
Erickson nadando ya solo! Erick swimming on his own!
Frank swimming...Frank ya nadando solo!
Frank worked hard but he did it...he swam and swam!
On our way back home...the boys and I!
Regresando a casa despues de un dia precioso!
The kids were hungry after swimming so much...un antichuchito para mis nadadores!
Going over the alphabet with Rosita!
Kids focused on Karate!
Django aprendiendo Karate...
Movie night...noche de cine!
Conversation after the movie....conversacion despues de la pelicula!
Stay tuned for parts 2 & 3 . . . mantenganse alerta para la segunda parte. . . .
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