domingo, 6 de julio de 2008

Fiesta: Julio 6, 08/ Party: July 6, 08

Buena Madrugada a Todos! Les cuento que estoy MUERTA de cansancio pero felizzzzz...hoy los ninos y yo tuvimos nuestra GRAN fiesta, en la cual celebramos los logros academicos/buenas notas de 6 de nuestros ninos (Junior, Frank Chico, Jenni, Erickson, Joel, y Minero)....y hoy tambien celebramos el dia del profesor...osea MI dia...y los ninos y yo, proclamamos el dia de hoy, Julio 6...Dia Internacional De MAYTENNNNNNNNNNNNNN!!! jajaja ...fue super lindo..mis ninos y muchachos y muchachas hasta me hicieron una pancarta proclamando mi dia y una pequena actuacion en la manana....que mas puede pedir una profe enamorada hasta la esencia de sus ninos...mi fe solo existe en y por ellos.....eso si, estoy exhausta...ayer dormi menos de 4 horas, y hoy espero dormir minimo 6 por que ya no doy mas...pero queria antes de arrastrarme a la camita...a la camita (como decia topogigio) contarles sobre este dia maravilloso y dejarles algunas imagenes de la gran fiesta que organizamos para mis ninos....que orgullosa estoy de ellos....bueno les dejo estas imagenes....disfruten!!

Good Morning Everyone! I just wanted to share with all of you before dragging myself to bed, that I am dead tired today, but also extremely, we had a HUGE party to celebrate my kids' academic achievements (excellent grades) and Teacher's day...which is celebrated on July 6th here in today, as their teacher i was also celebrated...and yes, my kids and I proclaimed the 6th of July as Mayten's International Day...:) it was sooooo kids were so wonderful this should have seen their presentations and heard their thank you words...what else could one ask for...i am truly in love with these kids and my faith in them is more relentless than ever..and determined not to let anyone out there go about their lives without knowing that extraordinary human beings are creating wonderful things every day in this little corner of the world...and are at the same time affecting the very core of their current reality and transforming it for the better...can you tell i am proud??? the human material we need to change the world exists and breathes here kids are, i just wanted to share a few images of today's fantastic party...hope you enjoy them as much as I do....we had FUNNNNN!!!

Los ninos me ayudaron a poner mi casa re linda! Miren!!
My kids helped me get my home ready for THE party!

Talking about the kids' academic achievements
and why we celebrated them..
Hablando sobre los ninos que celebramos y sus logros academicos..
Me dancing with Jenny..and laughing with mi Minero
Bailando con mi Jenny y riendo con mi Minero
Dancing with Jenny also known as ene, G
letters in Spanish alphabet she could not for the life of her remember she never forgets them and loves her nick name
Bailando con Jenny, tambien conocida como ene, G..letras del abecedario que no podia recordar antes y que ahora sabe de memoria...yenny ama que le digan enhe, G...:)
Smiling with/sonriendo con Melchorita, Lucero, Xio, y Erickson
Our party sign...nuestro aviso sobre LA FIESTA
Mi Xio , Erickson y yo
Django, Pito y Ivan divirtiendose en la fiesta...
Django Pito and Ivan having fun at the party
Dancing with Melcho...bailando con Melcho
Los ninos comiendo mi papa a la maytenyna...vegan style jja
Kids eating papa ala mayten..vegan version of a ppular and traditional peruvian dish
Bailando con mi minero...dancing with mi Minero
Cuddling up and loving having mi palomita y Xio at the party
dandoles carino a mi hermosa palomita y xio...q bueno q las dejaron venir a la fiesta!!

Chin...repartiendo la papa a la maytenina..
Chin serving the food i cooked for LOVEEE my food
Kids eating mazamorra morada (peruvian dessert made with purple corn)made by Frank Chico's mom...Ninos comiendo mazamorra morada hecha por Petita (mama de frank Chico)
Bailando con Lucas...dancing with my handsome Lucas
Bailando con mi Lucero quien me ayudo a preparar la papa
Dancin with kitchen helper...

Manu giving me a delicious kiss..manu (el) dandome un rico bechito
Bailando con mi ivancito y Victor (Pito) /Dancing with Ivan and Victor
Apapachando a mi Ene, G...hugging my enhe , G
Smiling big with Erickson..sonriendo de par en par con mi Erickson

Bailando con Junior (Jun)..dancing with Junior
Tickling and making Frank scream "I AM A KING"
Haciendole cosquillas a Frank para que grite "Yo soy un Reyy"
is a good exercise for their self esteem's health...bueno para la salud de su auto estima
Bailando con Frank Chico..Dancing with Frank
Dancing with Giampi...bailando con Giampi
Foto con la mayoria de los ninos q vinieron a la fiesta...algunos se fueron temprano
Picture with most of the kids who came to our party...some others left early

playing one of my favorite games..."One-touch, head the balloon game"
Jugando uno de mis juego favoritos..cabezeando el globo a un toque solo..
Playing the chair game with the kids...jugando el juego de las sillas con los muchachos
Bailando con mi Erickson/ dancing with Erickson
Chin finishing the popcorn
Chin terminandose la canchita
Bailando con Django/ dancing with Django

Erickson disfrutando su mazamorrita morada
Erickson enjoying his dessert
Dancing and playing the head the balloon game with the kids/
bailando y jugando a cabezear el globo con los ninos
Jugando a rebentar los globitos atados a los pies...divertidisimo!!
Playing the "pop the balloon game" fun..balloons are tied to their feet
some more pop the balloon game..Lucero won
jugando mas a rebentar el globo..Lucero gano...bien LU!!!
Feeding kids some causita vegetariana made by Erickson's mom
Dandoles de comer causita a los ninos hecha por la mama de Erickson
Jugando el juego de las sillas/ Chino gano!!!
playing the chair game...Chin won!!!

1 comentario:

Volcanchess dijo...

Felicitaciones amigos por su trabajo, sigan adelante y gracias por el trabajo que hacen con los niños.
Miguel Calla