martes, 16 de agosto de 2011


Dear friends of LCDM all over Peru and the world! It is with a deep sense of gratitude that I write this entry today, hoping that all of you are well, and finding the things that make your lives full and enriching. After noticing a few important changes in my kids and community, and being confronted with a couple of financial and personal dilemmas at the beginning of this year, I decided to invest a lot of time observing, asking, listening, thinking, feeling, and creatively thinking again and again.  After doing all that, conducting an impact survey among my kids in April, and holding group meetings every weekend with them to assess their current situations, I have decided to suspend all official LCDM activities indefinitely.  (Ya viene esta entrada en espanol)
If you have been following our blog these past years, or if you have been a volunteer with us, you know of the many efforts we've made to keep our little impossible project alive. It has been tough financially, but with help from family, and many friends from Peru and the world, we can proudly say that LCDM has been a home, shelter, refuge, resource center, and a place of complete light, laughter, healing, learning, friendship, opportunity, exchange, creativity, and possibility for 4 years. I could not thank each person who has supported our efforts enough for making a donation, for volunteering their work, for sending an encouraging email when I needed it most, for letting me recruit volunteers through their sites (Steve!), for donating a performance, for lending me their spaces to host a fund raiser, for attending our fund raising events, for helping us stay alive all these years, and most importantly for believing in our work and for being able to recognize the value in it, and in the people we work with and for. You are true friends to me and will forever live in my love, gratitude, and faith in the infinite capacity human beings have to be extraordinary.
After carefully evaluating the impact surveys and all the information my kids shared with me during our meetings, I can sincerely say that my kids and the girls at CAS are better. On our fourth anniversary, I can rewind in my mind to August 2007, see my neighbors' anguish, and desperation, and my kids roaming around scared without a safe place to go to. Then I fast foward quickly to now and can very clearly see the progress made and all the improvements experienced by my kids. Lots still needs to be done but in important areas/ways my Mina De Oro kids and the CAS girls are better and on their way to healthier futures. The girls at CAS shared with me in May that their new director is improving many things within the shelter from the food they eat, to their access to education and services, to visits to health providers, to outings and activities, and more. Obviously, we were thrilled that our friends at CAS started the year on a healthier note and are on their way to better experiences.
When I look at my kids now and see them more confident, better informed, taller than me :), growing closer to each other every day, connecting and interacting with other people in healthier ways, still facing challenges and difficulties, but feeling accompanied and with sources to go to when decision making time comes, I feel proud, very proud of them and grateful to have been part of their healing process, of their integration as a solid unit of many friends, of their growth, and their continuing path towards healthier lives. I am convinced today that one of our greatest contributions to my kids' lives has been connecting them meaningfully to each other, and helping them see the value each adds and brings to their circle and community. My kids and I are tied for life and we are committed to keeping our friendship robust, for-ever young,  and enriching for as long as we live.
I hope that every volunteer/friend who spent some time with us in Chincha also feels this strong connection to the lives and well being of these kids and girls. The kids certainly remember all their friends who came to share a bit of living and learning and laughing and creating with them. You can often find the kids telling their friends about the time Nacho and Borja put together a soccer world cup among quinchas, or when Lucila and Jason came to our Qori Sonqo bringing music and puppets, or when Jose taught them how to weave and juggle and do the lotus flower position, or when they saw the ocean for the first time, or when they saw Roger ride around La Mina in his beat up motorcycle for the first time, or when a whole circus of friends came to Mina De Oro to light up la cancha, or when Clelia and Sergio brought their Gotita de Mate to our lives, or when we closed the streets to do our festival, or when Ming brought theater to CAS, PH and our house, or.....SO many moments, so many people, soooo many lives connected...thank you each and all for coming to Mina De Oro and giving my kids that moment with you they will cherish and tell about for ever.  I promise you, the workshops and activities might be suspended for now, but not the relationship, not the communication, not the growing together, not the finding ways to bring opportunities and alternatives to my kids from wherever I am and however I can.
As for me, as you know, my partner Andy and I have been working in Peru on a purely voluntary basis since 2007 and are presently back in the US looking to work for a salary again, gain more skills and knowledge, make more friends, raise desperately needed funds, and spend meaningful quality time with our loved ones who have been generously sharing us with the kids in Peru for the last 4 years, and supporting our work in different ways.
My dear friend and perennial LCDM volunteer ABEL is now staying in my house in Chincha and on the weekends spends the afternoons playing the guitar with the kids, listening to them, and sharing music and advice. He has been with LCDM since its inception and is a loved and trusted friend to my kids as well.
This could easily be a very long entry but I will end it just by saying that I have always needed to feel wellness as a collective shared reality and have always found it necessary to make all of my personal and professional experiences foundations that one day would help me make integral well being a collective experience. I live in that effort and whether I am able to financially keep LCDM open or not, I will continue to work and exist in a daily commitment and effort to bring creative anti-violence and integral health and wellness education to all, including myself.
There is something in the eyes, something so profoundly intimate that shifts when a person feels loved and valued. An internal beaming light decides to turn on and begin a process of healing, of connecting meaningfully, of receiving and giving. I am a MUCH MUCH better person today and I thank life because all these 4 years I have seen beautiful eyes once pale and shattered, shift, light up, hope, believe again, trust, and connect for ever to other beaming eyes. Thank you for your support, thank you for your faith in our work, thank you for your friendship! We are not done yet but will need to pause at this point to rest, gather strength, friends and resources and start again.
Please receive my love and sincere desire to feel you happy, light-hearted, optimistic, faithful, open, courageous, creative, determined to listen to your most internal voices and to follow your own direction, and to fall utterly in love with all the possibilities to love and make the impossible possible every day! Share yourselves—extraordinary people are waiting for you out there every day!

 Love and gigantic abrazos, Mayten (Ya viene esta entrada en espanol)

lunes, 15 de agosto de 2011

Agosto 15, 2007 - Agosto, 15, 2011. A Mis Chicos y Chicas de Mina De Oro

Mis amados amigos y amigas de Mina de Oro, en este dia tan lleno para mi de memorias, emociones, alegrias y dificultades, quiero recordar con ustedes aquel 15 de agosto hace 4 años, cuando el mundo parecia venirse abajo. Quiero recordar con ustedes el dia en que mi grupo de extraños amigos y yo llegamos en camion a Chincha, aquel dia en el que despues de 16 años yo retorné a mi barrio, a mi casa de adobe, a mi infancia. Cierro los ojos y me veo ese agosto buscando la casa de Don Godo, recuerdo buscar y buscar y no encontrar a la Tia Marcela, ni la casa de Don Urbano. Recuerdo ver la casa de la Esther caida y la bodega de Julve en pedazos, y luego recuerdo caminar hacia la pampa y ver las quinchas y por fin ahi, encontrar rostros conocidos. Y es ahi, en la Pampa donde empezó nuestra historia muchachos.
El terremoto fue fuerte, grande, grave, pero gracias a la vida también fue generoso con nosotros por que nos dio la oportunidad de conocernos, de querernos, de crecer juntos, de hacernos amigos. Hoy mas que nada quiero con ustedes recordar todos nuestros momentos juntos, los buenos, los malos, los simples y los dificiles. Yeni, Witi, Junior, Minero, Erickson, Chin, Ton, Geral, Frank, Joel, Mirtha, Marco, Xiomara, Paloma, Cielito, Manuel, Gianpiere, Angelo, Camila, Marquito, Victor, Giango, Alexis, Adolfo, Tati, y tantos y tantos mas, hoy quiero jugar partido con ustedes, quiero bailar con ustedes (quien sera el/la que me quiere a miii), quiero cantar con ustedes (confio en ti por que..), quiero tejer nuestras vidas otra vez juntos, quiero ponerlos a todos en una linea para ver si por fin me ganan en Poder Mental, quiero tocarles la guitarra como siempre, quiero cocinar juntos algo simple, quiero abrazarlos con toda mi fe y fuerza, quiero reir con ustedes, y sobre todo quiero agradecerles por creerme, por atreverse a crear y querer conmigo, por decidir que ustedes serian diferentes, por caminar conmigo estos 4 años artesaneando, cantando, viajando, sintiendo, hablando, compartiendo, mejorando, por crecer y ayudarme a crecer. Ustedes son mis amados amigos y el regalo mas grande que aquel terremoto pudo haberme dado.
Son muchos los momentos lindos que yo personalmente he vivido con ustedes en Chincha, pero tambien he vivido muchos momentos dificiles, cargados de impotencia y frustracion. En esa mezcla de momentos pero, mi vida se ha enriquecido, mis esfuerzos se hicieron titanicos y se llenaron de significado y valor. No hay momento alguno en estos 4 años que ha sido en vano, todos aportaron a mi crecer, a mi determinacion, a mi querer, a mi fe, a mi hacer diario. Les invito mis muchachos a que recuerden conmigo...por ejemplo...recuerdan chicos el mundial de quinchas que organizaron Nacho y Borja? Recuerdan los triciclos que tuvimos que empujar para llevar un poco de ayuda? Recuerdan nuestros primeros talleres en la sala de mi casa? Recuerdan el Qori Sonqo, nuestra escuelita de plastico en la pampa? Recuerdan nuestro festival cultural, nuestras carapulcradas, nuestros innumerables viajes a la playa, nuestro viaje a Cusco, nuestro viaje a San Bartolo, nuestro viaje de campamento a Paracas, nuestro paseo por Islas Ballestas, nuestra caminata de mil horas en Pisac, la moraya, los tantos y tantos partidos de futbol en la calle, todos nuestros talleres, la campaña anti-violencia, nuestras encuestas (Erickson: aqui le traigo un tratadito" jaja), nuestros almuerzos y cenas en la casa, los amados amigos del Peru y el mundo que llegaron hasta Mina De Oro para vivir con nosotros pedazos de sus vidas y las nuestras, las muchas risas, las fiestas, el dia internacional de Mayten (jiji), cuando construimos la casa de los abuelitos, nuestras pijamadas....tantas y tantas cosas vividas con ustedes mis muchachos y muchachas....yo recuerdo cuando antes eran mis ninos y ahora son mis muchachos.....el tiempo pasa rapido pero gracias a la vida no pasa nuestra amistad, la nuestra se planto bien plantada ese agosto 2007 y aunque ustedes ya son muchachos y yo tengo mas canas, seguimos atados en amor y en leal amistad.
Hoy mis queridos chicos y chicas, a la distancia, rodeada de lluvia, memorias, y amor por ustedes, quiero simplemente recordar y dar gracias por que apesar de muchas dificultades, ustedes y yo hemos logrado cosas extraordinarias e invaluables. Estos 4 años han valido la pena y aunque ahora nuestros talleres estan suspendidos, yo confio que con nuestro esfuerzo y trabajo podremos continuar en algun momento edu-creando, luchando por llevar bienestar y salud integral donde vayamos, buscando formas de romper los ciclos de violencia, etc. Les pido a ustedes en el barrio que tomen buenas decisiones y hagan cosas que los llenen de orgullo y no de verguenza. Les pido que cuiden su amistad y con acciones demuestren ser buenos amigos y amigas. La amistad que tenemos es muy valiosa y no viene asi no mas todos los dias. Cuidense mis muchachos, les recuerdo que tengo mucha fe en ustedes, no olviden todo lo que hemos aprendido juntos estos 4 años, y sobre todo traten cada dia de ser buenos seres humanos. Nuestro barrio necesita que cambiemos y mejoremos muchas cosas y ustedes pueden ayudar a cambiar y mejorarlas. Los quiero, los extraño, pero siempre estoy con ustedes....hasta la proxima vez mis muchachos, mis amigos! Mina de Oro, Chincha!  Mayten
 El tiempo paso volando muchachos!
 Comparacion entre foto del 2007 (proyectada) y foto del 2011...
Haciendo un repaso fotografico con los chicos en Abril 2011 de nuestros momentos juntos desde el 2007

martes, 21 de junio de 2011

End of April and May! Fin de Abril, y Mitad de Mayo!

Dear friends all over Peru and the world, I hope you are all healthy and doing interesting and fun things whereever you are now! I apologize for the long silence but we had a few issues with our computers and very little time to write but here we are again connecting with all of you! Today, I want to share a few of the special moments the kids, volunteers, Andy and I had in Chincha up to mid May. The kids are big and beautiful and we couldn't have asked for more wonderful days with them. Our kids are growing fast and what a great and complex thing it is to grow with them and go through changes together. This time with so many teenagers I felt more like a mom than ever kids opened up to me and made me so is all about decisions I think and my kids are trying their hardest to make good ones!!!

Please take a look at the pictures below which include our Earth Day beach trip, our Sleep Over, our Party, House Improvements, visits to CAS shelter, some workshops, and visits to Manuel & Rosaura's home. We really hope you enjoy these images as much as we do and cherish them as proof that true friendship, love,  healing, joy, and determined self improvement are all possible despite endless limitations anywhere! Abrazos, Mayten
Queridos amigos del Peru y el mundo! Espero que donde esten se encuentren bien, haciendo cosas interesantes y divirtiendose mucho. Disculpen nuestro silencio desde Mayo pero tuvimos varios problemillas con las computadoras y muy poco tiempo y dinero para resolverlos. Pero aqui nos tienen nuevamente con muchas ganas de compartir con ustedes esos momentos especiales que vivimos con nuestros chicos y chicas en Chincha hasta mediados de Mayo. Los muchachos estan grandes y hermosos y hermosas y nosotros no podriamos haber pedido mejores momentos que los que vivimos todo este tiempo...Nuestros chicos estan creciendo rapido y que maravillosa y compleja oportunidad es el poder crecer con ellos y vivir muchos cambios a su lado. Esta vez con tantos adolescentes me senti mas mama que nunca...mis chicos y yo tuvimos conversaciones y compartires inolvidables aveces dificiles pero siempre valientes...para mi la vida se trata de tomar decisiones y a medida que los chicos crecen los veo tratando de tomar las mejores posibles y eso me llena de orgullo....
Pero bueno ya dejo de hablar para que disfruten estas imagenes las cuales incluyen nuestro viaje a la playa para celebrar el dia de nuestra Pacha Mama, nuestra pijamada, nuestra fiesta, mejoras hechas a la casita, visitas a CAS, visitas a casa de Manuel y Rosaura, y algunos talleres. Que disfruten tanto como nosotros! Un gran abrazo, Mayten
 Jump Chin jump! Chin saltando doble ulahs!
 Chess at the beach!  Ajedrez en la playa!
 Kids enjoying the beach!
Todos disfrutando el mar y celebrando el dia de nuestra Pacha mama!

guys trying to make a big sand castle
 Rosita's first trip to the beach!
Jun practicing at the beach...Jun practicando la guitarra en la playa
 Nuestro pago a la tierra en su dia. An offering to mama earth on her day!
 Pago a nuestra Pacha!

 Xio's Karate moves
 Victor mostrando lo aprendido
 Paloma en posicion con su profe Alberto...Paloma ready to show her karate skills.
Andy trying some moves with Alberto
 Abel's last guitar rehearsal with kids! Ultimo ensayo de Abel con sus estudiantes de guitarra!

 Jenny preparing our purple corn chicha...Jenn preparando una chichita
 Andy & Jun preparing our dinner...Andy y Jun preparando la cena
 Chicos preparando el postre
 having our dinner! disfrutando nuestra cena!
 listening to everyone give thanks....dando las gracias por todo lo que nos da la vida...
 Andy tambien dando gracias....
 Sleep over time!!!...Angelo fell asleep....BODY PAINT!
 Erickson's ghost...
 Our endurance test...harden your bellies...nuestro test de resistencia...
 jajajaja...this was way too funny....esto fue demasiado gracioso!
 Ton Ton Ton....sooo funny
 Alberto trying to get Andy...Alberto tratando de pintar a Andy q se quedo dormido
 Junior tratando de cubrirse entre suenos
 All of us watching movies...todos viendo peliculas
 Chin also fell asleep....
 Frank and his new thick eyebrows....he feel asleep too....jiji
 Last attempt to paint Junior...ultimo intento de pintar a Junior
 Angelo ayudando a lavar los platos...Angelo helping us wash dishes

 Go Manuel...Go Manuel!
 Giango y Manuel bailando
 Cielito pasando sin problema...Cielo & Andy going under...
Marquito doing a good job
 Guitar class final presentation during Party....
 La presentacion final de la clase de guitarra durante nuestra fiesta
 Giango y yo bailando de lo lindo.....Giango & I dancing away...
 Alegrias for everyones!!!!
 A look back through pictures at ouryears together...una mirada con fotos a nuestros casi 4 anhos juntos
 Bailando hasta el anochecer.....
 Kids enjoying themselves...chicos bailando y disfrutando

 Club scene over here!!! Go Alberto!
 Kids having SOOOOO much fun
 End of our de fiesta....

 Andy dancing away too....
 Giving away prizes to the best dancers...premios para los mejores bailarines/as
 Nuestro ultimo desayuno juntos...our last breakfast together..
 Andy's going away gift to Alberto....Gracias Alberto por compartirte con los chicos y nosotros...te pensamos ,queremos y vives ya en nuestra amistad....besos!
 Jun despidiendose de Alberto
 Chicos despidiendo a saying good bye to Alberto
 our visit to Rosaura & Manuel...visita a Rosaura y Manuel
 En la estacion de bus despidiendo a Alberto..

 Our first make-up workshop (Erin the girls loved all you sent them and I tried to do a good job)
 Mi primera vez haciendo un taller de maquillaje en CAS...las chicas quedaron encantadas con el maquillaje!
 Miren que lindas quedaron las chicas! the girls after their make-up session...
 Beautiful! Preciosa!....I think I did a good job ..:)
 chicas despues de su sesion de maquillaje....
 body painting time....Andy was my first victim...:)
 mi segunda modelo para pintura corporal quedo super contenta...:)
 I followed your instruction Erin...thank you!!!
 This was our second make-up/body painting workshops at CAS shelter....
 Nuestro segundo taller de maquillaje y pintura corporal en CAS
 Maricruz's turn....

 Johana ayudandome a hacer pintura corporal a los chicos mientras yo maquillaba a las mamas
 the kids looking great wearing Johana's art work
 next...Jesmerlin.....while all look attentively

 Beautiful! Quedo super linda!
 My last make-up model was Nancy and she looked beautiful....I was proud of my make-up work...

 Pintando el mueble que hizo Andy para los materiales de los chicos
 Andy working on the garden...Andy mejorando nuestro jardin
 Kids helping us make the garden's roof...Chicos ayudando a limpiar canhas
 Ton ayudando a pintar el porton del jardin
 Andy making the garden's roof....
 Andy improving our tiny garden...
 Andy paving the entrance...

 Andy fixing an inside wall ...Andy arreglando una pared interior
Andy rendering the wall...tarrajeando las paredes
 Frank putting our new storage furniture to use....Frank usando nuestro nuevo mueble
 Kids relaxed and not wanting to leave my house late at night....
 Kids and I looking at old pictures
 Viendo fotos antiguas nuestras
 Miren que grandes estan los chicos....
 Look how tall and beautiful my kids are....
 Playing and singing a song for and with my kids....en el bosque de la China..lalalalala :)
 my last chess match against Frank...the invincible.....un dia te ganare Frank!!!
 Andy painting an interior wall....
 un regalito de mi hermosa Paloma para mi....:)
 Otro regalo hermoso (un girasol) de mi Erickson y Mirtha...que plantamos en nuestro nuevo y mejorado jardincito!
 Planting our sunflower...
 Plantando nuestro girasol...
 y ahora mi regalo para mis chicos....
 I loooooooove my kids......
 Amo a mis chicos...a todos...son mi amigos...y cada uno y una es importante para mi
 Ericksonnnnnnnnnn...te quiero mucho mi vida...y en cada abrazo te dejo toda mi vida..
 Despidiendome de Abel y Johana....gracias por los talleres, y nuestra amistad muchachos!
 Nuestro nuevo y hermoso jardin...gracias ANDY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
 And it has a roof!!!! y tiene techoooo ...woooohoooooo
 la nueva entrada pavimentada que ayuda a mantener el polvo mas lejos de nosotros
 our last tutoring session with Xio & Paloma
 mi ultima clase con Paloma y Jesus
 nuestra amiga Johana curando el dedo cortado de Manuel...Gracias Johana por venir con nosotros!!!

 Doors Andy made for the house...puerta que hizo Andy para la casa....

Mis queridos muchachos si leen esto sepan que los quiero mucho, que siempre los pienso, que ruego todos los dias a la vida y a la gran mama natura para que ustedes tengan la fuerza, claridad y valentia para tomar buenas decisiones, y para que sientan el gran amor y fe que les tengo....sigan por favor tratando de ser buenos seres humanos y llenandome de orgullo....sean buenos amigos y recuerden que yo siempre estoy con ustedes en mi amor y en mis ganas de que esten bien y tranquilos.....nunca estan solos ....los quiero mucho! Abrazos enormes, Mayten!