domingo, 30 de enero de 2011

NJ Event Canceled Due To Weather! - ¡Evento en NJ Cancelado!!!!

Dear friends, I have received several responses from some of you with concerns about Saturday's weather. Because enough of you will not be able to attend due to weather and other reasons, I have decided to cancel our NJ event. While I would love to see all of you, I would also hate to jeopardize your safety by asking you to drive on very icy roads at night. I hope you all understand.
I want to thank those of you who confirmed attendance and were willing to face the ice and cold temperatures to be part of our event. Your support and presence means a great deal to me! I also want to thank those of you who sent me very nice emails explaining why you couldn't attend. The extra effort you made really showed me your intention and desire to support our work regardless. Thank you all!

Whether or not you intended to come, please know that should you want to support our work in Chincha, you still can by making a much-needed contribution using paypal (link on left side of page). If you have any questions, please email me at THANK YOU!!!

We will come back soon to conduct more events. We hope the weather will be on our side then and you will be able to attend. We will keep you posted! Now, Andy, Sophia (our San Fran partner) and I are working to finalize preparations for our Feb. 12th, San Francisco event which will be SPECTACULAR! Please, visit our blog for pictures and news of that event! 

My NJ/NY friends and family, I hope to see all of you next time (hopefully in the summer when the it is hot, sunny, and shiny!! :)  Can you believe this winter? Be brave out there friends in the North East...winter is just a few weeks from being over! Warmth, laughter, music, and love to all of you! Mayten

jueves, 27 de enero de 2011

DC Area Fundraiser a Success! Evento en DC un Exito! THANK YOU!

Dear Friends,

I hope you are all well! We held our first-ever USA fundraising cultural event in Arlington, VA last Saturday and I am thrilled to announce that it was a success! It took many weeks of hard work preparing and coordinating, but in the end we pulled it off, everything was ready, and we had a good turnout despite some competition from another Peruvian event in the area that same night. We want to send out a huge thank you to all of the marvelous people who braved the cold (and nation's worst traffic) to come out and spend their whole evening sharing with us our work and our passion. We hope everyone enjoyed themselves and the dancing and the food as much as we did!

We really want to thank all the people who contributed their work and performances to help make this event a success. We couldn't have done it without each and every one of you. GRACIAS!
 Thanks first of all to our dear friend Lauren, who has been the engine pushing all our DC event fundraising forward, giving up her own bedroom for nearly a week as we prepared for the event, sacrificing sleep and sanity helping us with all the details, and generously donating any item we could not get from other donors or that we had overlooked. We love you Lauren! Thanks also to Lauren's housemates for putting up with our Peruvian invasion!

A big thanks goes to Jacquie Antonson and George Mason University's Institute for Conflict Analysis & Resolution for donating the use of the room and audio-visual equipment, which worked out perfectly!
 Big thank you to Mamauca for opening the event with some awesome and authentic festejo dancing. We especially want to thank Griselle and her husband Victor Ruiz for sharing their time and their talent with us, despite a busy schedule! ¡Mil Gracias!

Another special thank you goes out to Cecilia Villalobos and Axel from Salsa Fuego School, for being so generous with their time and heating up the second half of the event with some hot salsa dancing. You guys are the best!
A very special thanks to my beautiful sister Rayen, who has been helping us non-stop doing everything from creating beautiful brochures, flyers, and invitations to cooking and setting up plates! THANK YOU RAY!!!!! Big thank you to Amalia and Costa Verde Restaurant for donating rice and potatoes and to El Chalan Restaurant for donating a Dinner for two....Gracias!

And another special thank-you to Jazmin, my lovely niece, who has also been helping us out with coordination, preparation, ticket sales, and a lot more. Thanks Jazmin, you rock!!

Overall the event was a success, and we are proud to have pulled everything together despite the short lead time and despite this being a new area for us. While we did not meet our original fundraising goal, we were able to make some great connections while still raising a significant amount of money that will be a real boost to our work in Peru.  We are glad to have one event's experience under out belts as we head to New Jersey and to San Francisco for our events there, for which we are getting ready and excited. We hope you are excited too! Here are some more pictures from the event, enjoy!

 Milagros, a radio host and reporter for El Tiempo Latino interviewing me for a newspaper article that will be out this week!

 Boiling purple corn and pinapple to make Chicha Morada, which was a big hit!

 Jazmin cutting beef for the Lomo Saltado, which came out delicious.

 Rayen peeling onions for the Lomo Saltado.

 Andy working on videos and multimedia presentations about our work in Chincha to show at the event. Thanks to Andy's dad for donating the laptop!

 Lauren's friend Ashley toasting Peruvian corn to make the Canchita. Great job, Ashley! Thanks for your help.

 Jazmin making the tasty sauce for Papa a la Huancaina. Also a big hit with our guests!

Authentic, hand-made Peruvian items all set up for the auction.

 Jazmin and Mayten at the door receiving our attendees and selling tickets.
 We were happy that Andy's Uncle Reed, Aunt Ann, and cousin Michael came out to support us. Thanks for being there guys, and congrats for acquiring some gorgeous stuff at the auction!

 Some of our guests enjoying the food.

 Cecilia and Axel from Salsa Fuego showing us how salsa is done

 Lauren and Ashley trying out some new salsa steps with Cecilia and Axel. Way to go ladies!

We had just the right number of guests for the space
 Lauren giving people a closer look at some of the items during the auction

 Getting into the bidding at the auction! Thanks to all the people who purchased items during the auction...we really appreciated your generosity and enthusiasm!

 Getting ready to raffle off a beautiful Tawantinsuyo shawl!

 An honest hand chose the person who most deserved this gorgeous shawl... congrats Ashley!

 Rayen putting the finishing touches on the event program

Andy helping prepare the item descriptions for the auction...
Friends in NEW JERSEY, our next event will be in your area on Saturday, February 5th...come and help us make our NJ event an even bigger success....we can do it!

martes, 18 de enero de 2011

LCDM's US 2011 Fundraising Tour! Tour Recauda Fondos 2011 en EE UU!

Dear friends, we are SOOO excited about our ARLINGTON, VA fund raising event to be held this SATURDAY, JANUARY 22 from 6:30pm to 9:30pm at George Mason University's Institute for Conflict Analysis and Resolution (ICAR). Everything is coming together and we could not be more grateful to Jacquie from ICAR for all her help with the venue, and to our friend Lauren for giving her time and energy to help me make this event possible. Andy and I are in Virginia now staying with Lauren and her generous roommates who are all sharing their space with us...Thank you ladies!!
Our goals with these events are to raise the funds we need to meet our 2011 goals, let universities, organizations, and programs know about our work in Chincha, and develop lasting connections and partnerships with institutions that share our vision and goals.

Please friends, if you are in the Washington/ Virginia/Maryland areas or have friends in those areas invite them to attend our event which will be filled with Peruvian food, music, dance, culture, spirit and much more! Come have FUN and help us continue helping wonderful people in Chincha, Peru! COME ALL!!!
Queridos amigos, estamos muy muy emocionados por que nuestro primer evento recauda fondos en Arlington, Virginia se llevara a cabo este SABADO, ENERO 22 de 6:00pm a 9:30pm! La universidad George Mason y su Instituto para Analisis y Resolucion de Conflicto se han unido a nuestro esfuerzo y precisamente sera ahi, donde realizaremos nuestro primer evento recauda fondos. Esperamos que nuestros amigos de Virginia, Washington, y Maryland decidan pasar un trozo de su sabado con nosotros ya que nuestra noche ofrecera una deliciosa cena peruana, musica y danzas peruanas, la posibilidad de comprar hermosas prendas y piezas traidas desde Peru a traves de una subasta, y rifa, y la oportunidad de contribuir a la salud y bienestar de maravillosos seres humanos en Chincha, Peru quienes merecen todo nuestro trabajo y esfuerzo! Vengan y diviertanse con nosotros!

Look for upcoming information about our New Jersey event on Saturday, February 5th, and our San Francisco event and After Party on Saturday, February 12th!!!!!

sábado, 15 de enero de 2011

Our Christmas in Chincha, part 2 / Nuestra Navidad en Chincha, parte 2

 Dear friends and family, here are pictures of our Dec. 25th Christmas at the Beach celebration! The kids and I had a blast and really loved having each other and the beach as our x-mas present. Good friends, a sunny day, and open water was all we needed to be happy...and the munchkins Andy and I brought our kids from Lima :) This is the fourth Christmas my Mina De Oro kids and I spend together and there was no better place to celebrate than by this incredible natural body of water full of life and movement! I hope you enjoy these pictures and can feel all the fun we had that day! Enjoy!

Queridos familiares y amigos, estas son fotos de nuestra celebracion navidenha con los chicos de Mina De Oro, el 25 de diciembre en playa Totoritas. Esta fue nuestra cuarta navidad juntos y la playa fue el regalo perfecto para todos. La pasamos muy bien, disfrutamos mucho el mar y el estar juntos en este dia especial. Espero ustedes disfruten viendo estas fotos y sientan toda la buena energia de la que nos cargamos los chicos Andy y yo....
Arriving...llegando a las totoritas
sharing the munchkins Andy and I bought for the kids in Lima...compartiendo los munchkins con los ninos...
I want to thank our friends Lauren, Bree and Inmaculada for helping us make our x-mas beach trip and shelter celebrations possible with their donations....we had a lot of fun thanks to you ladies...THANK YOU VERY MUCH!
Queremos agradecer a nuestras amigas Lauren, Bree y Inmaculada por ayudarnos con sus donaciones, a hacer posibles nuestras celebraciones en los dos albergues y nuestro viaje a la playa el 25! Las chicas en los albergues, los chicos de Mina De oro, Andy y yo la pasamos muy bien gracias a ustedes! MUCHAS GRACIAS!
Kids racing at the beach...haciendo carreras con los chicos!
A sus marcas...listos...fuera!....ready....get set...GO!!!!
Perdiendo miedos y disfrutando el aguita!!!
Minero & Witi having fun! Mi Minero y Witi disfrutando el agua!
Jo &, my kids are growing fast....:(
Andy helping Jorgito be less afraid of the BIG water...
mi hermosa Cielito y Tati comiendo sus pancitos con tamal y colao chinchano!!!
Disfrutando la arena...Jenny & Cora enterradas hasta el cuello en arena :)
Cielito y Paloma playing volleyball...jugando su propia version de volleyball
Andy y Xio....
Food break!!! Una pausita para comer....
Mi hermosa beautiful Paloma....
Kids receiving a few simple toys my friend Paty from Cusco sent for them...thank you Paty!
Los chicos reciviendo unos regalitos que nuestra amiga Paty de Cusco envio para ellos...GRACIAS PATY!
Celebrando navidad en la noche con mis muchachos....
Outside my house celebrating x-mas with my kids at midnight....
mas chispitas mariposas.....
Yo feliz al ver a Alexis y Adolfo...Alexis & Adolfo stopping by to say hello on x-mas...they are sooooo big!
lighting up sparklers with Alexis & Adolfo...yayyyyyyyyy
More simple but special x-mas celebration outside mi casa in Chincha....
Dreaming away with the kids.....sonhando ....
Dear friends and family, thank you for visiting our blog....please continue getting to know us....we sincerely appreciate your time and friendship! UNTIL NEXT TIME!! HASTA LA PROXIMA VEZ AMIGOS! Gracias por visitar nuestro blog y seguir conociendonos! Mayten