domingo, 18 de mayo de 2014

Circulos de Apoyo, Circle Gatherings, Friends and lots of work....

Monterey, California Circle Gathering: Andy and I singing for friends in Monterey during our first gathering.

Queridos amigos despues de unos meses escribo en mi blog esperando que todos ustedes esten bien y haciendo cosas interesantes que les llenen de entusiasmo. Estos ultimos meses, he estado usando mas nuestra cuenta de FB para mantener a nuestros amigos alrededor del Peru y el mundo al tanto de nuestros esfuerzos y trabajo. Ojala todos pueda visitar nuestra pagina FB para que puedan ver lo que hemos estado haciendo estos ultimos dos meses. Recien ahora tengo la posibilidad de comunicarme con ustedes atraves de este amado blog que muchas veces se queda sin mi atencion adecuada no por falta de ganas sino por falta de tiempo, energia, aveces internet, etc.

on our way to Monterey...waking up in the car after a very cold night and a very lonnnng drive
 Les cuento que desde principios de abril hemos estado organizando Andy y yo un viaje por diferentes ciudades para poder compartir con personas interesadas en La Casa De Mayten informacion sobre nuestro proyecto y trabajo. Hoy les escribo desde Cambridge, Massachusetts, un lugar muy interesante y complejo que anoche nos dio la posibilidad de traer el sentir de nuestro proyecto y trabajo a su casa aqui. Fue muy lindo poder compartir este trabajo que yo amo tanto y ver que hay personas en otras partes del mundo que tambien estan interesadas en lo que hacemos y que hacen cosas maravillosas dentro de sus respectivas comunidades. Estamos contentos por que a traves de estos viajes estamos conociendo gente que nos puede ayudar a crecer y aprender muchas cosas importantes.

Preparing the room to host our first circle gathering...preparando el espacio para nuestro primer circulo
Dear friends, after a few months have gone by I am writing on my blog again, hoping you are all well and doing interesting things that fill you with enthusiasm! In the last few months, I have been using more frequently our Facebook page to keep our friends in Peru and around the world up to date on our latest efforts. Hopefully you can check out our facebook page to see in more detail what we have been up to the last two months. Only now do I have the opportunity to communicate with you through this blog which often does not receive enough of my attention, not by any lack of desire to write but for lack of time, energy, and internet access.

people who attended our Monterey Circle gathering. Bree, thanks for helping us make this circle gathering possible....and thank you everyone for coming!

Since the beginning of April, Andy and I have been organizing a trip through different cities in order to share information about La Casa de Mayten with people who are interested in learn more about our project and our work. Today am writing to you from Cambridge, MA, a very interesting and complex place which last night gave us the possibility to bring the feeling and spirit of our work into the home of a friend here. It was beautiful to be able ot share this work which I love so much and see that there are people in other parts of the world who are also interested in what we do and who are doing marvelous things in their own respective communities. We are so pleased because through our travels we are getting to know people who can help us to grow and learn many important things.

A picture with Cory and her friends. Thank you Cory for making time to attend our event and for inviting us to your home to meet your circle of friends and supporters.

Driving through Nevada

Our trip will continue in the next few weeks and I will keep you informed as we travel... for the moment I am posting here some pictures and videos which should give an idea of what we are doing... please write me at if you are interested in helping us organize a support circle for LCDM in your community!

visitando un salar en Utah.....stopping to enjoy salt flats in Utah
Mking lunch in Wyoming...preparando nuestra comida en un parque en Wyoming

Cocinando en el camino en los lugares menos on the way to IL in the most unexpected of places

Beautiful image we saw as we crossed the salt flats in Utah

we made it!! and we didn't freeze!!! sleeping at a rest stop in very cold and VERY beautiful Wyoming!

up and up and cold and colder...thank you Wyo for existing

Urbana, IL visiting friends
Mark and Carol, thank you for sharing your home and selves with us. Sleeping on a bed and having a delicious lunch with such wonderful people was a true gift to us. Gracias!!

Me trying to upload videos in Urbana, IL

Cambridge, MA Circle Gathering.....thank you Cosmo, James, Lantern house mates, Cristina, Guadalupe, Shamz, Jacquie....we truly enjoyed and appreciated your company. Thank you for coming
Cocinando un seco vegano para nuestros amigos en Cambridge. Cooking a vegan seco for our Cambridge friends

Ahhhhh...que bonito ver a los amigos juntos alrededor de una mesa apretados pero en pleno disfrute. Gracias vida mia por los nuevos y antiguos amigos. Thank you to every person who attended our Cambridge gathering. Andy and I really enjoyed seeing all of you enjoying the food, the music and the conversations.

Playing a song for our friends in Cambridge. Cosmo, caro...gracias con todo il mio cuore.
Our friends in Cambridge...James and Lantern friends, thanks for letting us stay in your house and host this beautiful evening. We really appreciated the opportunity to meet you and learn more about you and the house.

Nuestro viaje seguirá en las proximas semanas y a medida que viajamos les voy a mantener al tanto... por el momento he colgado aqui algunas fotos y algunos videos que les dará una idea de que estamos haciendo... por favor escribenme a si estas interesado/a en ayudarnos a organizar un circulo de apoyo en tu comunidad! ¡besos y abrazos y hasta pronto!



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