miércoles, 30 de septiembre de 2009

Festejo Chinchano en Cusco/ Afro-Peruvian Fund Raising Shows In Cusco

Promoviendo eventos y campanha antiviolencia en canal 21..necesitamos AYUDA!
Promoting events & the anti-violence campaign on channel 21...we need lots of HELP!

Buscando apoyo y invitando al Cusco a compartir cultura Chinchana
Looking for support and inviting people to come to our events
Queridos Amigos, ya hemos presentado 2 shows en Cusco y la respuesta es increible...el Cusco y el mundo estan hypnotizados con la belleza, versatilidad, y riqueza de la cultura Chincha...

Dear friends, we've already had 2 shows and locals and turists from all over the place are hypnotized with the beauty, versatility, and richness of Chincha's afro-peruvian culture!!
La belleza Chinchana bien representada en estas muchachasChincha's beauty is well represented in Angelica & Kunga
El famoso teatro Kusikay en el que celebraremos nuestro gran show de cierre
Kusikay theater where we will host our Grand Finale/ closing show
People enjoying our 2nd show
Audiencia participando y disfrutando nuestro 2do show
Mas goze en nuestro 2ndo evento
More joy and dancing on our 2nd show
Guys were blown away by our girls from Chincha
Turistas asombrados con nuestras chicas Chinchanas
Wladimir demostrando destreza en el Zapateo
Wladimir showing his stepping skills off
Audience learning about La Casa De Mayten and campaign
Publico conociendo mas sobre la campanha y La Casa De Mayten
Las muchachas y yo visitando Pisac, capital de la artesania
The girls and I visiting Pisac, artesans's capital
Angelica befriending a Pisac native artesan
Angelica haciendo amigos artesanos de Pisac
Kunga abrazando a sus llamitas en Pisac
Kunga hugging lamas in Pisac
Los muchachos en el planetario con mi querida Ana Maria
Guys at Cusco's incredible Planetarium with administrator Ana Maria
En el planetario de Cusco..gracias Ana Maria!!!
In Cusco's planetarium ...thanks Ana Maria!

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